How To Store Fruits and Vegetables

After spending some serious time pinteresting.  I came across some great tips on how to store fruits and vegetables!  These tips prove handy since I tend to go a little crazy at the grocery store and buy more fruits and veggies than needed for a week.

 A few tips for the staple fruits and vegetables I keep at home:

Spinach: Loves to stay cold. Store loose in an open container in the crisper, cool as soon as possible.
Bananas: Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster. Keep them on the counter, or in a basket with holes or openings to allow air to circulate.
Carrots: Cut the tops off to keep them fresh longer. Place them in closed container with plenty of moisture, either wrapped in a damp towel or dunk them in cold water every couple of days if they’re stored that long.

Strawberries: Don’t like to be wet. Do best in a paper bag in the fridge for up to a week. Check the bag for moisture every other day.

Check out the tips here.

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